What Could Be Leaking in Your House? 

Leaking in Your House

Hidden leaks are a huge problem in many households. They can lead to high water bills and serious building damage over time. 

The first thing you should do if you suspect there is a leak is read your water meter and turn off all faucets and appliances. Then wait a few hours and check again. If the number has changed, it is a sign that there is a leak somewhere in your house. 

Water Heater 

A water heater leak is a serious problem that could lead to flooding, mold, and other damage. If you notice pools of water or spots on your ceilings, it is time to call a plumber. 

Hidden leaks are often more troublesome than obvious ones because they cause water damage over time without being noticed. However, there are clues that you can watch for to find hidden leaks. For example, if your water bill spikes but you haven’t turned on any new appliances or refilled the washing machine, there may be a leak. 

Another way to check for a leak is to shut down all of your toilets except for one, then go outside and read your water meter. If the dials have moved, this means you have a leak. You can also try this with other appliances by shutting them down one by one and continuously checking the low-flow indicator on your water meter. This is a quick and easy way to test for hidden leaks. 


Dripping faucets are one of the most common household plumbing problems. They waste water, cause an increase in your water bill, and can lead to damage. If you have a leaky faucet, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible. 

A leaking faucet can cost you hundreds of dollars in water waste. It also increases the moisture in your home, which can lead to mold and mildew. The best way to avoid these issues is by regularly checking for leaks and repairing them right away. 

First, shut off the water supply valves by turning them counterclockwise. Then, remove the faucet handle with an Allen key or a screwdriver. If your faucet has a decorative cap over the screw, remove it with a utility knife and set the handle and screw aside. Next, take a pair of pliers and grip the hex head on the valve stem assembly. Unscrew it and set it aside. 


Pipe leaks can occur from corrosion, loose connections or due to water pressure changes. They can also occur in hard-to-reach places like behind appliances, toilets and sinks. If left untreated, a pipe leak can cause significant damage to your home and encourage unwanted growth.

Some of the most common indicators of a leaking pipe include puddles in your yard, wet spots on your ceiling or walls, and musty smells that indicate mold is growing. In addition, your water bill may increase without any obvious explanation. 

If you notice any of these warning signs, shut off your water supply and check your meter. If it’s still ticking, you have a leaking pipe somewhere in your home. A plumber can easily locate the source and make the necessary repairs to save you from major home damages and costly repairs. Anything from blocked drain(s) in Melbourne to fixing pipes, faucets, and related plumbing issues.  They can also install water sensors to alert you if there’s unexpected flow so that you can catch the problem before it gets out of hand. 


Many homeowners only think of water damage as coming from a flood or burst pipe, but it can also happen from appliances like your washer, dishwasher, refrigerator, ice maker, and more. When you notice water leaking from these appliances, it’s important to check them out and call a repair company as soon as possible so they can fix the problem before it gets worse. Also, if you have gas appliances, a rotten egg smell could mean there’s a leak. You need to turn off the power and call 911 immediately. Gas leaks are very dangerous and can cause explosions. A professional plumbing company can help you clean up after a flood and make your home safe again.

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