The 3 Best Places to Visit in Japan in 2024

Best Places to Visit in Japan

Japan is a country that everyone should consider visiting. From futuristic towers to peaceful bamboo forests and neon arcades to peaceful temples, it’s different from anywhere else on Earth.

The food is amazing, the people are extremely courteous, and it boasts an extremely efficient and reliable public transportation system around the globe. We love the mix of ease of travel with amazing wonder.

Japan offers plenty to offer; however, where do you begin? These are our recommendations for the top 10 desirable destinations to visit in Japan, which are perfect for your initial or even second visit (plus additional suggestions for future visits that are bound to occur! ).

I’ve listed the top things we did in every location, the length of time we spent there, and the place where we stayed. In the article’s final section, you’ll find a detailed map of all the places in Japan where you can start planning your trip.

I would suggest mixing some of the popular cities (most people wouldn’t miss Tokyo or Kyoto) with less crowded, more rural spots in Japan to experience another aspect of Japan and get away from the crowds.

Japan’s Best Places to Visit


If you only have time to visit one Japanese place, choose Kyoto.

This is traditional Japan as you imagine it: geisha in vibrantly colored kimonos rising from teahouses made of wood with bamboo trees, temples and shrines in scarlet and gold, silver, and raked dirt Zen gardens, elaborate dishes served on lacquered dishes, graceful tea ceremonies, and markets full of fascinating but unidentified food items.

The concrete high-rises in downtown Kyoto aren’t always pleasant. So, head towards the mountains and the surrounding neighborhoods, where you’ll find quaint streets of stone and old wooden homes, monks dressed in flowing robes, and the sound of gongs and chanting from the numerous shrines and temples.


Takayama is a breathtaking tiny town located on the edge of the Japanese Alps. It is one of the desirable destinations that are not often visited in Japan.

I was enthralled by the historic center, which was filled with traditional wooden homes, colorful shrines, beautifully cut trees, and gleaming red bridges crossing the river.

Are You Planning on Traveling to Japan in 2024? Group tours to Japan provide the ideal way to ensure a comprehensive and rewarding travel experience. From Tokyo’s bustling streets where tradition meets modernity to Kyoto’s serene temples and historical sites and Hokkaido’s breathtaking natural landscapes – something will appeal to everyone on these group tours! 


If Kyoto is the center of traditional Japan, Tokyo is its modern equivalent.

Here you’ll find high-rises, loud arcades, busy pedestrian crossings youth trends, and amazing restaurants.

If all you’re doing in Tokyo is eating, you’ll be having an incredible time. Even as vegetarians, we ate well.

Tokyo is also the home of some of the most bizarre activities we’ve experienced. Thematic cafes (cats and maids, owls, goats, you know what, Tokyo has it) to arcades with sensory overload for cos-playing go-karting.

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